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Traveling while pregnant: what you should know before you go

You are expecting a happy event and everything is messed up in your body and in your head. You want to take a short break to find a bit of serenity. Swimming and walking on the sand would do to you the greatest good? Why not rent a villa or a flat in the Balearics to relax, for example. But you have been told that traveling pregnant can be risky? Actually everything depends on the progress of your pregnancy and your health.

A trip pregnant: yes, respecting certain conditions

Be aware that is not forbidden to travel pregnant, unless it is a high-risk pregnancy. However, it is better to do so the first and second trimesters, if your gynecologist sees no drawbacks. If you want to go to Paris, ou can take the train as well as the car. The first is one of the faster means of transport and it’s more comfortable for a pregnant woman. Avoid long runs that get you more tired. By car, the trip should not exceed 3 hours. A trip pregnant by plane is also possible until the 36th week. But you should ask to the airline anyway. To protect yourself from the risk of preterm delivery, choose destinations close to your area and make sure of the presence of a medical office or a hospital near your place of stay.

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