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Romantic weekend ideas

It is decided,you want to escape for a romantic weekend break , to find yourself again and to flirt like the first day. Here are some ideas to put all chances on your side!

Time for lovers

A romantic weekend is a special moment when you can have a break from the daily routine, and help you to strengthen your relationship. Sharing a weekend just the two of you is the best way to reconnect and to find your complementarity! It only remains to find ideas for a relaxing weekend in the best conditions.

Find a weekend break idea you will enjoy

Above all, you must set your expectations: what both of you really want? Your weekend can be dedicated to lovely hugs or sports, entertainment and diners … it’s up to you! Everything will depend on the purpose of this special moment in lovers. Also, you must agree in advance about the program of this romantic weekend, to avoid disagreement. He are some ideas: a weekend in a spa on the Basque Coast, a sporty weekend in the Pyrenees, or a relaxing weekend on a quiet beach in the Balearics

Some tips for a successful weekend

Finding the right destination idea is a first good step. Then, you must ensure that the weekend goes well! Keep cool, talk, communicate, this is the time! Forget about your jealousy or your complex, avoid topics too sensitive and take the time to listen to the other.

You do not have to stay glued to each other during your weekend, remember to keep some time for yourself, and there is no doubt you will feel better after that!

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