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We tested it: a holiday without a phone

A holiday is a break from work. It is an opportunity to spend quality time by yourself, with your spouse, or with your family. To ensure a holiday of unwinding and relaxing leave your mobile phone behind (or at least off in your suitcase)!

Benefits of leaving your phone behind

Unplug from your work and the constant line of emails that fill your inbox. Now-a-days it is very difficult to disconnect from the world around you and your work, as mobile phones make it so easy to have the world at your fingertips, in regards to connecting with others via phone calls, texting, and emails. It is a great technological advance; but is also a challenging one to manage when trying to unplug.

When you disconnect yourself from work by leaving your phone behind or keeping it off you give yourself the opportunity to completely relax and let your mind be free of thoughts concerning work and your normal daily life. You allow yourself to take a break so that you don’t burn yourself out from the constant connection to work and the lives of others. When you take a break from your phone you allow yourself to focus on family or friends that you are spending your holiday with.

Have a happy holiday spending time connecting with those around you rather than using your smartphone to connect with those who are away, back at home or at the office. It is becoming more difficult to have conversations with friends, go to dinner or a movie without having a friend or yourself check your phone for emails or messages. We are so obsessed with staying connected that we don’t leave time for disconnecting and living life as it happens. For your holiday take the challenge to keep your phone off and experience a relaxing, carefree holiday!

Reasons to bring your phone, but keep it off

It is okay to bring your phone and leave it turned off in your suitcase. By doing this you ensure that you have it in case of emergency if you need to get in contact with someone back home. Also for times during travel in the airport it is understandable to have your phone in case you have a delay or some other unexpected occurrence during travel to or from your holiday destination. Be sure to look at your phone plan and the ability to use your phone if traveling to another country. It is recommended you check with your phone company about your plan before you go on holiday.

Feel free to take your phone on holiday. Have it in case of emergency, but we challenge you to spend your next holiday free and unplugged from your smartphone. Once you arrive at your destination, flip the switch; turn your phone off and enjoy your holiday!





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