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Holiday with a baby: How to pack and travel

Getting ready for a holiday with the newest member of your family and need some pointers on what to pack for your baby? Have no fear, we are here to help with some suggestions on how to pack and travel with your little one.

Pack the essentials

Load up your diaper bag with diapers, wipes, baby cloths, a few bottles, a pacifier, tissues, a few toys, and an extra outfit or two if your baby needs a change while traveling or out and about. Be sure to pack your babies favorite toys. We all enjoy having our favorites with us whether it is outfits we wear or electronics we carry on us and the same goes for your baby. To make sure your baby is happy during your holiday and travels bring toys you know they like and will make them happy. Other items not to be forgotten are a baby blanket, a stroller or baby carrier (whichever you use and think will be best to have for your outings on holiday), sunscreen, a hat or something to keep your baby from direct sunlight for long periods of time if you are going to a warm, sunny location, and plenty of clothes for your baby that will fit the location and climate of your holiday stay.

Flying with a baby

When flying with a baby it is recommended you check with the airlines about special prices for traveling with infants. You can book an extra seat for your baby, but do not have to. For any questions on seating and extra seats for your flight check with the airlines before traveling. When picking your seat, the aisle seat is often best to choose as you will have easy access to moving around if needed during the flight. If you do bring a stroller you will check it at the gate before you board the plane. Taking a flight palnned around your babies sleep schedule can also be beneficial for you. If you plan your flight during a time when your baby is most likely to sleep you have a better chance that the baby will sleep and travels will go smoothly. Also be sure to pack a few toys to keep your baby happy if they are awake during the flight. In regards to feeding your baby while on the flight pack a few bottles that will be ready to go, or if you are breastfeeding bring a blanket for covering and wear clothing that will be easy to arrange yourself and the baby to feed.

Once you arrive at your holiday destination check your room or house (if you are staying in a holiday rental) to make sure everything is baby proof. Create a play space for your baby where you can place their toys, play pin, and any other items you brought to keep them entertained.

One of the best ways to double check you have all that you need is going through a checklist of your daily routine at home. Think of everything that you do and use at home on a regular basis and be sure to pack it!

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